The ArcGIS product stack can sometimes be overwhelming. Quite often I get asked if we “can do something” – before I even hear the “thing” my answer is yes! The challenge is always how to do it and with which set of tools. So, with all this amazing technology, we sometimes forget how easy it is to do the basic things – getting data into the system and sharing it in powerful and meaningful ways. So here is my list of 6 things you can do in a very short amount of time with ArcGIS, do you have any other ideas?
Make your own field data app

Want to capture pictures and the location of graffiti in your neighbourhood? The location and a photo of birds on a walk in the bush? Just open an editable web map on Collector for ArcGIS (iOS and Android) and start capturing! More info here.

2Create a website that tells a story with maps

Want to show your friends all the places you have visited this year? Or maybe want to show off sights of your neighbourhood in your local community meetings? Use a web map and create a story map using a template and your data and share! More info here.

Configure a mobile-ready web app

You want to be able to create a native mobile app for your children’s school to use on their outings? Or to brand an information app for your cousin’s tour company? Use a web map and configure the app with the AppStudio for ArcGIS! More info here.

4Deploy an app to any mobile platform

Want to create a basic mapping app that allows people to click on a feature and get a popup? Or change the basemap to imagery and view their own house using their mobile phone? Use a web map and configure a web app using the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS! More info here.

5Add your Excel data to a map

Have some Excel data about schools in your province and want to add them to a map? Or maybe you have some Excel information about households in your local club and want to add them to a map? Use Excel with Esri Maps for Office and you can quickly add that data to the map using a wizard! More info here.

6Embed a map into your existing website

Have an existing website and want to include a map with directions to your office or house? Use a web map and embed it using code provided for you! More info here.